Vendor: Plexi Market

Table With box Prayer mats

Size Width : 60cm - Depth :40cm - Height : 40cm
Regular price Dhs. 500.00 AED Sale price Dhs. 500.00 AED
Tax included. 

Dimension overall : Width : 60cm - Depth :40cm - Height : 80cm

Box Dimension : 60cm - Depth :40cm - Height : 30cm

Material: The box is crafted from clear plexiglass, giving it a modern and sleek appearance. The transparency of the material allows for the contents within to be viewed from all angles, highlighting the prayer mats stored inside.

Design: The design is minimalist, with clean lines and a simple rectangular form. It functions as a side table with an upper flat surface that can be used to place items on top. The clarity of the plexiglass also has a light and airy feel, which doesn't overwhelm the space it occupies.

Storage: The box is designed with a storage compartment specifically for prayer mats. This compartment has a copening, which allows easy access to the mats. Additionally, there's a lower shelf beneath the main storage area, offering extra space for books or other prayer-related items.

Functionality: The box serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it provides a dedicated space for storing prayer mats, keeping them clean, unfolded, and ready for use. Secondly, it acts as a piece of furniture, potentially serving as a side table or a decorative element within a living space.

High Quality
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